7 Best Beauty Tips For Gorgeous Glowing Skin And Skin Care Tips

Beauty Tips For Gorgeous Glowing Skin

Take Deeply Sleep

Our skin is under repair in sleep. Dead cells come up, which are visible on the skin of the face. Also comes sweat in sleep, so wash the face thoroughly with water after getting up from sleep.

Drink More water

Making the skin moisturize with moisture is the secret of keeping it healthy and soft. Therefore, to make moisture from the skin, drink more water.

Avoid Oily Food and Take Vegetables 

To get rid of acne, clean the face with a good cleansing milk and avoid oily, spicy and gourmet foods, and use boiled or green vegetables, salads, etc. to do more in the diet.

Moisturize Skin 

To keep moisture in the skin, add some drops of bath-oil in bath water, then take bath from it. This will result in a virgin layer of oil on your skin, so that there will be no shortage of moisture in your skin.


Face facial once a month This will rid your skin of impurities.

Remove Wrinkles

Make a paste by removing a small spoon of boric powder and a tablespoon of gram flour in order to remove the wings of the face. Put it on face and wash with cold water when dry.

Skin Glow

To provide skin viscosity, add oily pulse powder to the face by mixing rose water, glycerin and almond powder.